Monday, March 19, 2012

Vision = Pujya Gurudev

The Open Vision
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
What is the direct, Open Vision?  One may ask. One thing about it is that it should appeal to reason - that is the foundation. If something is unreasonable the question of vision does not arise.
 Do you feel as sure of God,  someone once asked me, "as you do of the lamp in front of you?"
 "I am sure, quite sure of God," I replied, "but as for the lamp, I am not nearly so sure whether it really exists or not ! This exchange, which is recorded in my Vichar-porthi, took place in 1928. On a number of occasions I have had what appears to me to be direct Vision of God. I own it partly perhaps to the attitudes I inherited in my family, and partly to my reverence for certain holy books. But my faith rests not so much on these things as on the fact of experience. Other living creatures in all their variety, and the human beings I see around me, are so many forms in which He wills to appear. What is the direct, Open Vision?  one may ask.
One thing about it is that it should appeal to reason - that is the foundation. If something is unreasonable the question of vision does not arise. First, the thing must be acceptable to reason; secondly, after that, comes the experience. Reason tests it -this is knowledge; the experience follows - that is vision through knowledge. We may take, for example, the personal experience of compassion. Reason must first recognize that the world is full of compassion, that compassion is essential to the world plan.
If my mother had not had compassion on me, I could not have received what I needed for my growth. The intellect must understand the need for compassion and recognize that it is present in the creation. Only then comes the experience of compassion. To feel in oneself the compassion that a mother has for her child, that is direct knowledge of compassion.
Thanks GOD,Thanks SAdguru,
Shiv Sharma

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