Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Peace Pilgrims Guidelines = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Peace is much more than the temporary absence of war. It is the absence of causes of wars, which are so much still with us in the world today.
1.                The situation in the world around us is just a reflection of the collective situation. Only as we become more peaceful people will we be finding ourselves living in more peaceful world. 2. Humanity, with fearful, faltering steps walks a knife-edge between abysmal chaos and new renaissance, while strong forces push toward chaos. Yet there is hope.
2.                I see hope in the tireless work of a few devoted souls; I see hope in the real desire for peace in the heart of humanity, even though the human family gropes toward peace blindly, not knowing the way.
3.                 Knowing that all things contrary to Gods laws are transient, let us avoid despair and radiate hope for a warless world.
4.                 Let us never say hopelessly, "This is the darkness before a storm." Let us rather say with faith, "This is the darkness before the dawn of a Golden Age of peace which we cannot now even imagine." For this let us hope and pray.
5.                  My prayer is that this war-weary world of ours will somehow find the way to peace before a holocaust descends.
6.                 Peace and freedom these things shall be. How soon these things shall be whether now or whether after great destruction and new beginnings and aeons of time is up to us.
7.                 All people can be peace workers. Whenever you bring harmony into any un-peaceful situation, you contribute to the total peace picture. Insofar as you have peace in your life, you reflect it into your world.
8.                . We people of the world need to learn to put the welfare of the human family above the welfare of any group.
9.                 A few really dedicated people can offset the ill-effects of masses of out-of-harmony people, so we who work for peace must not falter.
10.             We must continue to pray for peace and to act for peace in whatever way we can. We must continue to speak for peace and live the way of peace.
11.             To inspire others, we must continue to think of peace and to know it is possible. What we dwell upon we help to bring into manifestation.
12.             What people really suffer from is immaturity. Among mature people war would not be a problem. It would be impossible.
13.             If we were people who had done a full growing up, not only the mental and emotional but also the spiritual growing up, we wouldn't have wars. We would have learned the lesson of sharing and the lesson of non-killing.
14.             If I am killed, it destroys merely the clay garment, the body. But if I kill, it injures the reality, the soul.
15.             This immaturity, which the world suffers from, manifests in things like greed, grabbing more than our share; in things like fear, which causes to build up armaments against one another. These are the direct symptoms of our immaturity.
16.             War is really a symptom of a symptom. It is a symptom of the fear, which causes us to build up armaments, which results in war.
17.             Starvation is a symptom of symptom. It is a symptom of greed, which causes some to grab more than their share while others are starving.
18.             In our immaturity we want, at the same time, peace and the things which make war.
19.             The price of peace is obedience to the higher laws: evil can only be overcome by good and hatred by love; only a good means can attain a good end.
20.             The price of peace is to abandon fear and replace it with faith - faith that if we obey Gods laws we will receive Gods blessings.
21.             The price of peace is to abandon hate and allow love to reign supreme in our hearts love for all our fellow human beings over the world.
22.             The price of peace is to abandon greed and replace it with giving, so that none will be spiritually injured by having more than they need while others in the world have less than they need.
23.             In a conflict situation you must be thinking of solution, which is fair to all concerned, instead of a solution, which is of an advantage to you. Only a solution, which is fair to all concerned, can be workable in the long run.
24.             There is magic formula for resolving conflicts. It is this: Have as your objective the resolving of the conflict not the gaining of advantage.
25.             There is a magic formula for avoiding conflicts. It is this: Be concerned that you do not offend, not that you are not offended.
26.             The key word for our time is practice. We have all the light we need; we just need to put it into practice.
27.             Physical violence can end even before we have learned the way of love, but psychological violence will continue until we do. Only outer peace can be had through law. The way to inner peace is through love.
28.             A world language would be the biggest single step we could take toward world understanding, and a long stride toward world peace. When we can talk together we will realize that our likenesses are much greater than our differences, however great our differences may seem.
                       (Also See a brief note about Peace Pilgrim’s life in may-Jun, 2004 issue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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