Cast out all Illusions, Let Divinity Evolve within you
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Translation of a discourse in Hindi on " Devatva Vikasita Karen, Kalanemi Na Banen Delivered by Rev. Gurudev Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya on Gurupurnima, 1986 continued from the previous issue) Let us begin with the collective chanting of the Gayatri Mantra: Om Bhur Buvah Swah, Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yonah Pracodayat || Friends, You are not ordinary. Only you are ignorant of your real self-identity. Whatever be the name and shape of your physical bodies, sitting in this hall clad in dhoti-kurta or sari, with or without spectacles, caps and what not, you should know that the purpose of your life is great. Though born in the form of monkeys and bears in the Ramayana age, the divine associates of Lord Ram did not remain like ordinary monkeys or bears. You should also remember your role in letting the new world order become a reality and resurrecting the ancient glory of India as a pacesetter for spiritual transformation of the humanity. I have already told you Nostradamus popular predictions concerning future of global political scenario. Let me now add what I foresee particularly with respect to those dedicated to our Yug Nirman mission. Their future is bright.
I have already killed the enemies (giant hindrances, threats of evil forces) on their way; what might appear as an intractable obstacle is only like a shadow, which will disappear soon after facing the courageous collective efforts of those who might appear tiny today. If you are devoted to this grand mission inspired by the Almighty, you will also be among the crown prince(ss) of creation of new world order. Begin your march along this path to the golden future with a promising initiative of the Pragya Vidyalaya in your area. I will not be present there physically, but will send you my thoughts, zeal, and energy to augment your endeavors. In todays talk, we have got a glimpse of what is in store for the future - leading role ofIndia and hence greater responsibility upon us to refine our talents and be prepared to expand our altruistic activities far beyond our families and communities. We also have to put in best of our efforts to disseminate Indian Cultural values, spirituality, scientific religion and knowledge the revival of ancient seats of learning like Nalanda Vishwavidyalaya would be a milestone in this direction. Another important point I want to tell you is that our Yug Nirman mission has to strengthen its activities on the reformative and reconstructive fronts - elimination of archaic customs, illiteracy, ignorance, untoward tendencies, on the one hand and cultivation and expansion of mass awakening, education, welfare activities, goodwill and prudent trends on the other.
These are Herculean tasks like destroying the mightykingdom of Ravan (Lanka Dahana) and establishment of the heavenly empire of Lord Ram (Rama Rajya). The Road ahead is full of challenges and testing times. But that is no excuse for sitting quietly. Let me reassure you that I will take all the dreaded difficulties and adverse effects upon me and protect you whenever you are not able to fight despite your unflinching efforts. Have you heard of the glory of Rana Sanga? This brave Rajput King used to counter all attacks on his aides in battlefields. Whenever he would see that his brave soldiers are in trouble, he would rush there in no time and bear the strike of enemys sword on his shield or even on his body. This way he saved thousands of his army men and continued his conquering battle against the invaders with eighty major wounds on his body. So rest assured, even if I am injured, I will not let you get hurt in this decisive battle of survival of human values. Well, who did not face adversities? Even the divine incarnations of Lord Ram and Krishna had ruined the devilish emperors after great efforts, facing threats of life in their human forms. But, beware! The war this time is most challenging! Here the fight is with the subtle enemy spread around in the world and even within our minds! Nobody can protect you from its attack if you are not introspective and vigilant. It is said in the scriptures that the demon Kalanemi can delude people of all age-groups and in any circumstance.
He is described in mythology as a relative and associate of Ravana. The Skanda Puran narrates that when Ravans younger brother Kumbhakaran practised difficult yoga with ascetic disciplines to gain supernatural powers, he wanted to be awake for six months with just one days sleep. But right at the moment when, upon the success of his tapa, Lord Brahma asked him for his boon Kalanemi mesmerized his mind and Kumbhakaran prayed for the contrary sleeping for six months then waking up for one day! Thereafter he continued to sleep for six months then was awake only for one day, then again slept for six months and so on. Had he succeeded in getting his originally contemplated boon, Kumbhakaran would have blocked Ravanas ever expanding imperial designs and audacious atrocities. Similarly, when Mareech endeavored tapa to ensure a place in the swarga (heavens), Kalanemi confused him and he prayed for the boon of becoming swarnamraga (a golden deer). Well, the transformation was instant. Had he been an ordinary deer, there might have been more chances of surviving and roving freely in the scenic forests, as there would have been many other deer like it to fall prey to the wild animals or the hunters bows. But a golden deer was the star-attraction of everybody. Its life got miserable! It had to remain hidden most of the day. As described in the Ramayana, while in exile with Lord Ram, Devi Sita saw this golden deer and contrary to her nature, insisted Lord Ram to get it by all means. Lord Ram knew the truth, he could even foresee that Mareech would not be liberated of this self-wished boon turned into a curse unless killed by his bow. So he made Mareechs soul depart from the golden deer body. Mythological descriptions in the "Skand Puran" cite how Kalanemis influence ruined the giant females like Putana and Surpanakha. The former did not have any offspring and was desperate to have one so Kalanemi, in an effort to support the tyrant king Kansa, advised her to breast-feed child Krishna using some tantra when he was alone so that he would forget his real mother and start regarding Putana as his mother. Kalanemis intention was to getKrishna killed by the poisonous milk of Putana. But what happened to her? Instead of getting a child she herself lost her life. Kalanemi provoked Surpanakha (Ravanas sister) to attract Lord Ram or his brother Lakshman in the forest and get married to either of these princely looking, sober men because the Rakshas in her community were ugly giants and demonic in behavior. Suparnakha got driven by the insane desire that marrying Ram would bring her enormous wealth, respect and one day she would become his queen if she appeared as more beautiful than Sita. But all those who have read or heard Ramayana know what happened to Suparnakha! Her demonic reality and ill intention was exposed in no time in front of the divine radiance of Ram-Lakshmana and brought her nothing but utter humiliation and resentment. It was again Kalanemi who brainwashed Manthara, the maid of queen Kaikaiyee, to somehow convince the latter to insist upon making her son, Bharat, the heir of King Dasharath. Manthara thought that in this way Kaikaiyee would be pleased and would arrange Mantharas marriage with prince Bharat thus paving the way for Manthara herself becoming a queen one day! Although Manthara succeeded in misleading Kaikaiyee initially, she soon faced the punishment of her misdeeds. None other than Kaikaiyee herself had expelled this cunning woman out of the Kingdom of Ayodhya . Kalanemi is still there (in subtle form). It acts upon the unrestrained, unvigilant minds and deludes them. It aggravates evil instincts, thoughtless ambitions and sensual passions. It diverts the dedication of the disciples and draws them away from the path shown by their noble gurus.
I can see it trying to separate many of you from me. I do not want you to be separated from me, why? Will I lose something? No, my children! What will I lose, I dont have any worldly possessions and desires so what will I lose? Minutes before this discourse, some of our boys were singing "koi satha na de to akela chal"(if there is no one to accompany you, walk alone). Indeed this is what I believe in, I will walk alone. Vaman had measured the circumference of the earth by his own steps. Rishi Parashuram had single-handedly destroyed the devilish forces and saved this earth twenty-one times! That is the power of spirituality. I also have that potential to reach the goal on my own, alone. Then why I dont want to lose you? You my disciples are like my children, you are close to my heart. How will the parents feel if someone kidnaps their beloved little children? What I am really concerned about is the threat of Kalanemi against your welfare. It has begun deluding some of you. It would brainwash your intellect and drive you to the path of decline. I am not worried about anything else, be that my death or protection of the Ashram, expansion of the mission. The mission has begun with the blessings of the Almighty. Nothing can stop its activities. Its expansion is certain like that of floodwaters. If not you, someone else will do the work. Then why do I ask you to work for the mission (of Yug Nirman)? In fact it is for your own welfare. Who gets this opportunity to participate in an epochal project inspired by divinity? God has bestowed upon you an opportunity to be the leaders. Look at what Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the likes did? They led their countrymen at the right moment and achieved historic heights. Those desirous of being like these great people, marching ahead, taking the lead, becoming worthy of glorious success and honor should come forward. I am warning you to be alert and prepared against the hidden attacks and variegated influences of Kalanemi, because it poses the most dreaded threat to you. You may not realize when it will augment your intrinsic weakness, your false ego, avarice and selfish attachments and drive you off the track on one pretext or the other, which to you will appear very logical and beneficial. If it succeeds in separating you from me, from the mission, it will hurt me. It would be the pain of a parent seeing the tragic fall of his children. You all are like little boys and girls to me, whom I have taught walking; holding your hands I have taught you to write; I have helped you to rise up and grow. In you I saw the hope and potential. How can I see you go astray and rebelling for wrong reasons? How can I see you falling or joining those who deceive or mislead the innocents in the name of spirituality and religion? You might wonder why I cant stop Kalanemi? No.
This illusory force is a creation of God to test your spiritual maturity, intensity of devotion and strength of character. What the mythology narrates is to open your eyes. It also implies the crucial roles of Kalanemi in being the cause of what was destined to happen. For example, in case of Ramayana all that happened was in one way or the other setting the circumstances for Ravanas end. He had acquired supernormal powers by devout tapa- sadhana. It was not easy even for Kalanemi to delude him directly. So the circumstances were created in which he hijacked Sita because of his egotist resentment. This mistake eventually became the cause of devastation of this giant, arrogant, King and his demonic aides by Lord Ram. No one except Lord Ram could have destroyed him and resurrected the rule of righteousness. Kalanemis effect gets intensified in the Kaliyug because of prevailing unethical tendencies. So you have to be very careful, more disciplined, introspective and alert. You have to enlighten yourself and give light to others. Some of you might think why I am telling you to become leaders (of the new era), because now-a-days you see as leaders only those of political parties, opportunists, who keep fighting with each other, pulling each others legs You have not seen the real leaders who can bring millions of people together. You have not seen how people of diverse backgrounds may unite and work collectively. It is this power of unity of masses that brings historic changes.
The real leaders are those who mobilize, organize and guide the collective energy of millions towards the envisaged goal. Before concluding let me remind you that you are born to contribute in the divinely inspired mission of resurrecting the golden era. If you realize this and come forward to meet the call of these great moments of change, let me also reassure you that there will be no scarcity, adversity or agony in your life. Your responsibilities towards the dependents will also not suffer. I will bear all your troubles on my shoulders. Only thing you have to be cautious about is not to let illusory powers of Kalanemi drift you away from the chosen path or divert the course of your life. No parent can tolerate his progeny being robbed by dacoits or charmed by some fake gurus, or being deluded by untoward worldly attractions. Ponder over these four points and happily move ahead in your march of life with greater strength, clearer vision and better abilities. Wish you all the best.
I have already killed the enemies (giant hindrances, threats of evil forces) on their way; what might appear as an intractable obstacle is only like a shadow, which will disappear soon after facing the courageous collective efforts of those who might appear tiny today. If you are devoted to this grand mission inspired by the Almighty, you will also be among the crown prince(ss) of creation of new world order. Begin your march along this path to the golden future with a promising initiative of the Pragya Vidyalaya in your area. I will not be present there physically, but will send you my thoughts, zeal, and energy to augment your endeavors. In todays talk, we have got a glimpse of what is in store for the future - leading role of
These are Herculean tasks like destroying the mighty
He is described in mythology as a relative and associate of Ravana. The Skanda Puran narrates that when Ravans younger brother Kumbhakaran practised difficult yoga with ascetic disciplines to gain supernatural powers, he wanted to be awake for six months with just one days sleep. But right at the moment when, upon the success of his tapa, Lord Brahma asked him for his boon Kalanemi mesmerized his mind and Kumbhakaran prayed for the contrary sleeping for six months then waking up for one day! Thereafter he continued to sleep for six months then was awake only for one day, then again slept for six months and so on. Had he succeeded in getting his originally contemplated boon, Kumbhakaran would have blocked Ravanas ever expanding imperial designs and audacious atrocities. Similarly, when Mareech endeavored tapa to ensure a place in the swarga (heavens), Kalanemi confused him and he prayed for the boon of becoming swarnamraga (a golden deer). Well, the transformation was instant. Had he been an ordinary deer, there might have been more chances of surviving and roving freely in the scenic forests, as there would have been many other deer like it to fall prey to the wild animals or the hunters bows. But a golden deer was the star-attraction of everybody. Its life got miserable! It had to remain hidden most of the day. As described in the Ramayana, while in exile with Lord Ram, Devi Sita saw this golden deer and contrary to her nature, insisted Lord Ram to get it by all means. Lord Ram knew the truth, he could even foresee that Mareech would not be liberated of this self-wished boon turned into a curse unless killed by his bow. So he made Mareechs soul depart from the golden deer body. Mythological descriptions in the "Skand Puran" cite how Kalanemis influence ruined the giant females like Putana and Surpanakha. The former did not have any offspring and was desperate to have one so Kalanemi, in an effort to support the tyrant king Kansa, advised her to breast-feed child Krishna using some tantra when he was alone so that he would forget his real mother and start regarding Putana as his mother. Kalanemis intention was to get
I can see it trying to separate many of you from me. I do not want you to be separated from me, why? Will I lose something? No, my children! What will I lose, I dont have any worldly possessions and desires so what will I lose? Minutes before this discourse, some of our boys were singing "koi satha na de to akela chal"(if there is no one to accompany you, walk alone). Indeed this is what I believe in, I will walk alone. Vaman had measured the circumference of the earth by his own steps. Rishi Parashuram had single-handedly destroyed the devilish forces and saved this earth twenty-one times! That is the power of spirituality. I also have that potential to reach the goal on my own, alone. Then why I dont want to lose you? You my disciples are like my children, you are close to my heart. How will the parents feel if someone kidnaps their beloved little children? What I am really concerned about is the threat of Kalanemi against your welfare. It has begun deluding some of you. It would brainwash your intellect and drive you to the path of decline. I am not worried about anything else, be that my death or protection of the Ashram, expansion of the mission. The mission has begun with the blessings of the Almighty. Nothing can stop its activities. Its expansion is certain like that of floodwaters. If not you, someone else will do the work. Then why do I ask you to work for the mission (of Yug Nirman)? In fact it is for your own welfare. Who gets this opportunity to participate in an epochal project inspired by divinity? God has bestowed upon you an opportunity to be the leaders. Look at what Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the likes did? They led their countrymen at the right moment and achieved historic heights. Those desirous of being like these great people, marching ahead, taking the lead, becoming worthy of glorious success and honor should come forward. I am warning you to be alert and prepared against the hidden attacks and variegated influences of Kalanemi, because it poses the most dreaded threat to you. You may not realize when it will augment your intrinsic weakness, your false ego, avarice and selfish attachments and drive you off the track on one pretext or the other, which to you will appear very logical and beneficial. If it succeeds in separating you from me, from the mission, it will hurt me. It would be the pain of a parent seeing the tragic fall of his children. You all are like little boys and girls to me, whom I have taught walking; holding your hands I have taught you to write; I have helped you to rise up and grow. In you I saw the hope and potential. How can I see you go astray and rebelling for wrong reasons? How can I see you falling or joining those who deceive or mislead the innocents in the name of spirituality and religion? You might wonder why I cant stop Kalanemi? No.
This illusory force is a creation of God to test your spiritual maturity, intensity of devotion and strength of character. What the mythology narrates is to open your eyes. It also implies the crucial roles of Kalanemi in being the cause of what was destined to happen. For example, in case of Ramayana all that happened was in one way or the other setting the circumstances for Ravanas end. He had acquired supernormal powers by devout tapa- sadhana. It was not easy even for Kalanemi to delude him directly. So the circumstances were created in which he hijacked Sita because of his egotist resentment. This mistake eventually became the cause of devastation of this giant, arrogant, King and his demonic aides by Lord Ram. No one except Lord Ram could have destroyed him and resurrected the rule of righteousness. Kalanemis effect gets intensified in the Kaliyug because of prevailing unethical tendencies. So you have to be very careful, more disciplined, introspective and alert. You have to enlighten yourself and give light to others. Some of you might think why I am telling you to become leaders (of the new era), because now-a-days you see as leaders only those of political parties, opportunists, who keep fighting with each other, pulling each others legs You have not seen the real leaders who can bring millions of people together. You have not seen how people of diverse backgrounds may unite and work collectively. It is this power of unity of masses that brings historic changes.
The real leaders are those who mobilize, organize and guide the collective energy of millions towards the envisaged goal. Before concluding let me remind you that you are born to contribute in the divinely inspired mission of resurrecting the golden era. If you realize this and come forward to meet the call of these great moments of change, let me also reassure you that there will be no scarcity, adversity or agony in your life. Your responsibilities towards the dependents will also not suffer. I will bear all your troubles on my shoulders. Only thing you have to be cautious about is not to let illusory powers of Kalanemi drift you away from the chosen path or divert the course of your life. No parent can tolerate his progeny being robbed by dacoits or charmed by some fake gurus, or being deluded by untoward worldly attractions. Ponder over these four points and happily move ahead in your march of life with greater strength, clearer vision and better abilities. Wish you all the best.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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