Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Divine Descent = Dr. Pranav Pandya

The hour of Divine Descent
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya’s Devotee Dr. Pranav Pandya

                A cursory look at the chaotic, perpetually conflict-ridden world scene, with the eco-system dangerously wrecked, presents us with the near certainty of an imminent doom not only for the human species but all life on Mother Earth. It looks as if Man will not be able to save himself from the Nemesis of his diabolical material powers achieved through his scientific, technological and organizational contrivances which he is using for gratification of his base and perverse drives and hungers unmindful of the almost irreversible damage of his mad pursuit of pelf, power and pleasure is doing to the rhythm and harmony of the biosphere.
          However, it will be a counsel of despair and lack of faith in the innate goodness hidden in the deeper reaches of human consciousness to give up and helplessly wait for the Deluge. Lives and teachings of saints, sages, prophets, sufis, seers and Avatars of all ages and cultures testify that of all the life-form on Earth man alone has been gifted with conscientious freedom of choice which enables him to distinguish between right and wrong and abhor what is evil.
         It is due to this divine gift that the best amongst us act, in a spontaneous way, selflessly and compassionately - even to the point of sacrificing themselves - for the sake of their fellows. Therefore, despite all the apparent signs of total annihilation, there is assurance of sages and seers like Sri Aurobindo and our own Gurudev that behind the jet-black curtain of all-engulfing darkness is steadily emerging on the horizon of human consciousness the Dawn of an Era of Love, Light and blissful Life. So, let us - the Gayatri Pariwar Parijans - stand firm with faith in the authenticity of this seer vision and work resolutely towards its fulfillment.

                                 We are spiritual beings going through human experience to regain our true identity as sparks of the Supreme Spirit. The more the human crisis deepens the stronger will be the urge in human hearts for lasting peace, harmony and happiness. And this is what spiritual seeking is all about. The call of our Gurusatta to us, parijans, is to make ourselves - through intensive individual and collective sadhana - pure, strong and worthy vessels to be filled with the elixir of Illumined Consciousness of Paravidya which is waiting for suitable recipients to hold it. It is thus that we can become the torchbearers and heralders of the New Golden Era. We have been celebrating Ganga Dussehra as Gayatri Jayanti Parva, which this year falls on June, 25.

                   Our Gurudev cast off his physical sheath on this sacred day - 17 years back on June 02, 1990; and has been engaged in a god-like labour of love from the subtle-causal planes to expedite the descent of Pragya Avatar in humanity at large. The year 2011-12 will be the centenary year of our Master and during these four years from 2007 to 2011 we have to singlemindedly strive towards visible realization of Gurudev's vision. The saga of his superhuman achievements needs no introduction. During this period we plan to disseminate his message in condensed form through a set of 40 small books (categorized as Krantidharmi Sahitya, literally meaning revolution-inducing literature) not only in India but also throughout the world. We, therefore, propose to translate these booklets in all major regional languages of India and eight foreign languages (including English). To find proper translators for this project is the major challenge that we face. We appeal to all our readers, parijans and friends to help us in this search.

                            Gurudev's message of scientific spirituality has touched millions of souls, because humanity's redemption and transformation - transcending all religions and sectarian divisions - lies in practicable synthesis of science and spirituality. Buddha Jayanti falls on May 02 this year. Tathagat has been one of the foremost role models as a spiritual revolutionary for Gurudev. Let us pay our obeisance to this greatest Avatar of compassion and seeker of Truth in Swami Vivekanand's words: "Show me in history one character who has soared so high. He is the ideal Karmayogi, acting entirely without motive; and the history of humanity shows him to have been the greatest man ever born - beyond compare, the greatest combination of heart and brain that ever existed, the greatest soul power that has ever been manifested " Om Shanti
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

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