Lets Awaken our Sixth Sense
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The mysterious workings of nature are unfathomable by the human mind. Nature creates awesome earthly turmoil and at the same time sends down subtle forewarnings to the living beings to keep out of harm's way. Unusual barking of dogs, birds fleeing their nests, unexplained behavior of cats and many wild animals - all these signal to an impending natural disaster. These creatures give intimations of beneficial changes, too.
How are they prescient of future events while ordinary man remains completely ignorant of these? Experts attribute this capability in animals to the wondrous gift of the sixth sense, which develops naturally in them. Sixth sense means going beyond the range of the five normal senses. Subtle perception of that which cannot be heard, seen or understood by the normal sense organs is the function of the sixth sense. The sudden flash of a scene before the eyes which is not actually there is no illusion or psychic disorder; it is the vision of this very sixth sense. Events taking place in the gross phenomenal world have their underlying causes in the subtle non-perceptible world.
The pulsations of these events are present everywhere in the subtle world, and upon maturity appear in the form of gross phenomena. If our senses are sensitive enough, we can perceive these signals. But our gross sense organs have their limitations. However, one sense organ - the mind - has the potential to catch these radiating signals provided, of course, that it has been sufficiently refined and calmed. This is called the sixth sense. The animals, of course, do not have "mind" as we understand the term in the context of man.
But experts opine that nature has endowed other creatures too with special instincts, which they use to thwart any danger as well as for other activities of daily life. Since these animals live their lives very close to nature their special instincts are highly developed. For this very reason, the pets generally have this instinct in diminished form, as their lives are not as closely enlivened with nature as that of their wild brethren.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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