Special Sadhanas for women
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Women have the same right as men in respect of worship of Vedmata Gayatri. To convert inertia into momentum two objects of opposite qualities which attract each other are required. Electricity is generated by attraction and repulsion of negative and positive currents. Electrons and protons of an atom get activated on account of their mutual give and take. This conscious creation has been divided into male and female forms to make the eternal animate creation alive, otherwise this universe would have remained enveloped in inconscience. Union of rayi and Pran energies results in chaitanya. If there is no union of male and female elements, consciousness, pleasure, pulsation, speed, activity, growth etc. will all disappear and inconscience will reign supreme in the Universe.
Male and female elements supplement each other. One is incomplete without the other. The importance, utility, position and rights of each are the same. Those who say that women have no right to chant Gayatri Mantra, which is a Ved-Mantra, are completely mistaken. Of course, uneducated, unwise and impious women are like Shudra; and due to their own mental state they become depriVed of the right of Gayatri worship.
Male and female elements supplement each other. One is incomplete without the other. The importance, utility, position and rights of each are the same. Those who say that women have no right to chant Gayatri Mantra, which is a Ved-Mantra, are completely mistaken. Of course, uneducated, unwise and impious women are like Shudra; and due to their own mental state they become depriVed of the right of Gayatri worship.
Women have equal right with men to perform all Sadhanas relating to Gayatri described in this book. It has, however, been observed that housewives who are ever much busy in house-hold chores, who have small children to look after and are unable to maintain cleanliness cannot find time to take up difficult Sadhanas. They have to be provided with a technique of Sadhana which is easy and does not take much time. Those who cannot remember full Gayatri Mantra can make do with chanting the brief Panchakshari Mantra (Om bhoor bhuvaha swaha). During the period of menses they should suspend regular Sadhana. The performance of Anusthan, if it is being done, should also be suspended during this period. It can be resumed on the expiry of this period, after taking bath.
Issue-less women or those whose children have grown up, unmarried women or widows, can conveniently perform Gayatri Sadhana like men. In routine Sadhana it is not necessary to observe specific rules and restrictions and there is no bar to discharging normal marital functions. But during specific Sadhana or Anusthan, the rule of observing Brahmacharya is to be strictly followed.
Issue-less women or those whose children have grown up, unmarried women or widows, can conveniently perform Gayatri Sadhana like men. In routine Sadhana it is not necessary to observe specific rules and restrictions and there is no bar to discharging normal marital functions. But during specific Sadhana or Anusthan, the rule of observing Brahmacharya is to be strictly followed.
Sadhana for Concentration of Mind and Self-realization
Gayatri Sadhana can be used as an unfailing discipline by widows for exercising self-restraint, controlling sensuousness and for promoting righteousness and wisdom. Feelings of mental peace, steadiness, wisdom and self-restraint start growing from the very day. this Sadhana is started. Mind is brought under control and wayward thoughts are reigned in and silenced by righteousness. Desires, tastes, actions, sentiments, become pure, pious and righteous (Satoguni). Interest develops in self-realization, devout austerity, penance and love of God. Slowly and steadily the Sadhika is transformed into a Sadhwi, Tapasvini, Brahmavadini. She sees divinity in the form of Gayatri and attains deep inner peace in comparison to which the life of a mere house-wife appears to her to be purposeless.
Before sitting in Sadhana, women should take bath in the early morning by warm or cool water according to season. Water which is very hot or very cold is harmful for women. A pot of water should be kept close by. Rosary or mala of Tulsi and Kushasan are best suited. Gayatri should be meditated upon in the form of a middle-aged lady with a smiling face, wearing white clothes sitting on a bull, having four hands containing mala, kamandal, book and lotus flower. This meditation is extremely useful for controlling mind and developing righteousness. Mind should be applied repeatedly on this meditation. In Jap there should be some sound from the throat, lips should be so moved that even a person sitting close-by is not able to hear what is being uttered. Jap can be performed both in the morning as well as in the evening. More Jap can also be performed according to convenience. It is all the more beneficial if life of devout austerity and penance could be lived.
Before sitting in Sadhana, women should take bath in the early morning by warm or cool water according to season. Water which is very hot or very cold is harmful for women. A pot of water should be kept close by. Rosary or mala of Tulsi and Kushasan are best suited. Gayatri should be meditated upon in the form of a middle-aged lady with a smiling face, wearing white clothes sitting on a bull, having four hands containing mala, kamandal, book and lotus flower. This meditation is extremely useful for controlling mind and developing righteousness. Mind should be applied repeatedly on this meditation. In Jap there should be some sound from the throat, lips should be so moved that even a person sitting close-by is not able to hear what is being uttered. Jap can be performed both in the morning as well as in the evening. More Jap can also be performed according to convenience. It is all the more beneficial if life of devout austerity and penance could be lived.
Sadhana by Unmarried Girls for a Happy Married life.
Unmarried girls can worship Bhagwati for getting peace and happiness in married life. Parvati performed Tap according to Narad’s directions for getting the husband of her choice and ultimately her aspiration was fulfilled. Sita worshipped Gouri to get the husband of her choice. Gayatri Sadhana is beneficial in all respects if it is done by unmarried girls in Nav-Durga.
The picture or image of Gayatri should be kept on a small carpet or altar and Chandan, incense, lighted lamp, rice, grains, flowers and sweets, water etc. should be offered. The lighted lamp or camphor should be moved circularly round the idol or picture of Gayatri Mata. Chandan can be applied on the fore-head of the idol but not on the picture otherwise it maybe spoiled. Eyes should be closed during the meditation. Mental Jap of Gayatri Mantra at least twenty-four times should be performed. The picture or image of Gayatri can, if necessary, be obtained from Shantikunj, Hardwar . Gayatri Sadhana is most useful for unmarried girls. It helps them in getting good life-mates and good fortune.
Beneficial Sadhana for Married Women
Married women should worship Gayatri Mata for happiness, prosperity, health and longitivity of their husbands. The spoiled nature, thoughts and behaviour of their husbands get purified and suffused with righteous wisdom with which they are able to discharge their house-hold obligations with enthusiasm and commitment. A woman who performs this Sadhana is loVed and respected by all due to her sweet nature, cooperative and service-oriented attitude cultivated as a result of Sadhana. House-wives should perform Gayatri-Sadhana to set right their own and their family member’s deteriorating health, to remove financial stringency, poverty, family disputes, misunderstandings mutual conflicts etc. Family members on her paternal side as well as those belonging to her husband’s family, both are benefited by her Gayatri Sadhana. However, it is particularly beneficial for family members of the husband of such Sadhikas.
Sadhana should be performed in the morning before noon. Food should not be taken till Sadhana is completed. Water can be taken. The Sadhika should sit with clean body, mind and clothes facing East. Sandal-wood paste mixed with saffron should be applied on the forehead, heart and throat. Image or picture of Gayatri should be installed and it should be worshipped according to the prescribed procedure. Yellow coloured flowers, rice, sandal-wood paste mixed with saffron, ladoos of gram-flour should be used for worship and prasad. In Arti, cow’s ghrit of yellow colour and if it is not available any ghrit mixed with saffron, should be used. Sandalwood powder should be used as incense. In short, preference should be given to maximum use of yellow colour in worship. She should meditate with closed eyes upon Goddess Gayatri wearing yellow-coloured clothes, sitting on yellow tiger under yellow coloured sky. At least one of the clothes, if not all, worn by women at the time of worship should be of yellow colour. Meditating in the aforesaid manner, Jap of at least twenty-four Mantras should be performed. Mind should be applied to Bhagwati Gayatri whenever there is an opportunity to do so. Fast should be observed on every Poornmasi (full moon day), In daily food one article of yellow colour should always be taken. It is good to occasionally apply paste of turmeric powder on the body. This yellow coloured Sadhana is beneficial for making marital life happy.
Sadhana for Progeny
Women whose children always remain sick or die prematurely, who get only male or female issues, who are infertile, or whose issues are pro-crastinators, lazy, dull, wicked, disobedient etc. may get rid of their anxiety by ardently praying to Vedmata Gayatri. There are several instances within my knowledge in which childless women had begged the favour of getting a child from Vedmata Gayatri and they have been duly blessed by Bhagwati. Nothing is impossible for Gayatri Mata to grant. There can, therefore, be no impediment for a barren woman being blessed with an issue.
If a pregnant woman meditates upon effulgent Light in their womb before sunrise and sunset and perform mental Jap of Gayatri, the child to be born will be brilliant, wise, long-living and renowned.
A woman who has no issue should sit in Sadhana with a wet cloth around her waist and should meditate as if the light of Gayatri, like the rays of the Sun is entering into her womb, through her vagina. Eyes should be closed. This Sadhana helps in conception. Kunti had performed this Sadhana and had been able to conceive and give birth to Karna. This Sadhana should not be done by unmarried girls.
Soon after finishing Sadhana water should be offered in libation to the Sun and a handful of remaining water should be drunk. By doing this Sadhana a barren woman can conceive and those who get abortions or whose children die immediately after birth are able to give birth to normal children.
Mothers having sick, lazy, mischievous or irritable babies should take such babies in their lap and meditate upon Gayatri siting on a swan decorated with pink lotus flowers carrying a conch and a disc in her hands and perform mental Jap. This Jap has life-transforming effects on the mind and body of the child. If the baby is still suckling, the mother may feed him at the time of this Sadhana. Otherwise, she may touch the head and other parts of the body of the child. Keeping fast on Thursday is useful for the welfare of such children. After finishing Sadhana water should be offered in libation to the Sun and remaining water should be sprinkled on the child.
If a pregnant woman meditates upon effulgent Light in their womb before sunrise and sunset and perform mental Jap of Gayatri, the child to be born will be brilliant, wise, long-living and renowned.
A woman who has no issue should sit in Sadhana with a wet cloth around her waist and should meditate as if the light of Gayatri, like the rays of the Sun is entering into her womb, through her vagina. Eyes should be closed. This Sadhana helps in conception. Kunti had performed this Sadhana and had been able to conceive and give birth to Karna. This Sadhana should not be done by unmarried girls.
Soon after finishing Sadhana water should be offered in libation to the Sun and a handful of remaining water should be drunk. By doing this Sadhana a barren woman can conceive and those who get abortions or whose children die immediately after birth are able to give birth to normal children.
Mothers having sick, lazy, mischievous or irritable babies should take such babies in their lap and meditate upon Gayatri siting on a swan decorated with pink lotus flowers carrying a conch and a disc in her hands and perform mental Jap. This Jap has life-transforming effects on the mind and body of the child. If the baby is still suckling, the mother may feed him at the time of this Sadhana. Otherwise, she may touch the head and other parts of the body of the child. Keeping fast on Thursday is useful for the welfare of such children. After finishing Sadhana water should be offered in libation to the Sun and remaining water should be sprinkled on the child.
Sadhana for a specific purpose
For avoidance of any calamity befalling any member of the family or for removing any obstacle or difficulty coming in the way of some urgent work, nothing is so effective as divine help through the medium of Gayatri Sadhana. When fulfillment of any wish is hindered, Vedmata Gayatri should be remembered and invoked. Just as a mother rushes to help her child on hearing his cries, the worshipper of Gayatri actually experiences boundless compassion and love of the Divine Mother.
Small Anusthan of nine days and full Anusthan of forty days duration’s should be performed to fulfil immediate needs. If a woman cannot perform it herself it should be got done by someone well-versed in Gayatri Sadhana. Observance of devout austerity and penance, as already described, helps in pleasing Bhagwati. Gayatri Upasana of one year’s duration fulfils all righteous desires. Gayatri Anusthans are as important for women as for men.
In daily Sadhana, recital of Gayatri Chalisa is most useful for women. Women who put on Kanthi around their necks instead of Yagyopaveet, attain dwijatva and become entitled to worship Gayatri.
Small Anusthan of nine days and full Anusthan of forty days duration’s should be performed to fulfil immediate needs. If a woman cannot perform it herself it should be got done by someone well-versed in Gayatri Sadhana. Observance of devout austerity and penance, as already described, helps in pleasing Bhagwati. Gayatri Upasana of one year’s duration fulfils all righteous desires. Gayatri Anusthans are as important for women as for men.
In daily Sadhana, recital of Gayatri Chalisa is most useful for women. Women who put on Kanthi around their necks instead of Yagyopaveet, attain dwijatva and become entitled to worship Gayatri.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma
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