Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pujya Sadguru Pt. ShriRam Sharma's Thought

Pujya Sadguru Pt. ShriRam Sharma's Thought
Scientific Views and Trends on Fourth Dimension of Personality-2
Sadguru Thought In Akhand Jyoyi ( july-Aug.03)
Lack of compassion or emotional depth often gives rise to split- personality. It hinders internal peace and happiness. Such people implicitly live in a perplexed, restless and dolorous state of mind. Apathetic individuals, despite being successful materialistically, are most likely to face a dissatisfied and unhappy personal life and their distorted emotional complexity impedes the evolution of their own inner self. Elevated EQ is indicative of healthy development of personality. It is a measure of one�s sincerity, fairness, sense of responsibility, cooperativity, integrity, mental stability, patience, perseverance, humane sentiments and sympathetic attitude towards others� grievances. These are indeed the qualities, which lay the foundation for healthy and progressive survival of the human society. Intellectual spheres too are illuminated in the eternal light of pure emotions and altruist sentiments of unconditional love and intrinsic compassion. Persons endowed with high EQ make best use of their potentials, and resources and endeavor for multidimensional progress with dignity of noble ideals. Their foresighted and altruistic activities bring peace and happiness for others too. In view of the eternal linkage between inner sentiments and subtler forms of consciousness, it is also considered natural that substantial rise in EQ opens up the possibility of sublimation of intrinsic potentials and spiritual talents. Eveman and Robert Cooper had presented an in-depth analysis of this measure and thereby added new directions to the concept of efficacy in management in their extensively reviewed thesis entitled "Executive E. Q." In their views, unidirectional intellectual development without any attention towards sentiments, transforms human life into a mechanical and cheerless routine. This also accounts for varieties of mental complications and makes one�s mentality prone to addictions. Many a times it is seen that multitalented scholars, businessmen, officers, managers etc, who are very successful in their skilled creativity and professions, prove to be a total failure on personal and social fronts.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

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